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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Kith Hey/Grade 5 Update 10/21/15

Hi all,
As a follow-up to our fabulous day Sunday - building a lego Jerusalem, on Tuesday/Wednesday all of the classes met together to view a wonderful slide show of actual Jerusalem .......as compared to our Lego holy city.
Some great questions were raised .....by Robin, and also by our children!
There was much curiosity about the different landmarks for each of the main religions in israel.
We talked about Christians believing Jesus was the messiah,  Moslems seeing Mohamed as such.......and Jews still awaiting our messiah.
Back in the classroom my fifth graders had a thirst to know more.
This led to a lengthy discussion about the concept of messiah.
I reminded them of the Hebrew song I had taught them in the sukkah.......about a world with no more war.
And the English version, "neath every vine and every fig tree all live in peace and unafraid.......into plows shares turn their swords, nations shall know war no more."
We talked about what a perfect world might look like..........and compared that world to our world today.

I was surprised that several of my students in each class had knowledge of the troubles in our beloved homeland.

After break time and some Hebrew evaluations, I assigned homework.......
To write about their concept of a perfect world .......
(Somewhere between a paragraph and a 23 page dissertation.......☺️
This could be a fun family project!
Poems, illustrations, ....how ever each would like to express him/her self are all encouraged.

Hope you all enjoy brainstorming together!

I am so enjoying your children!

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