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Sunday, October 1, 2017

Grade 1 - Sunday in Kitah Aleph

Kitah aleph students were introduced to their first Hebrew letter today, the letter bet. First, we talked about the fact that Hebrew goes from right to left instead of left to right. The children practiced reading some pictures on the board from right to left and then practiced moving their fingers and following Hebrew letters in that direction. The children learned that the letter bet looks like a ball inside a box and has the sound "b." We played a game called "Sandman" with the words "boker tov" to help everyone remember the sound. The children completed the first two pages in their Hebrew alphabet book tracing and picking out the letter bet.

Tefillah with Cantor Ken was filled with songs for the upcoming holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah. In class, we also learned about the holiday of Sukkot. The children got to see, touch and smell parts of the lulav and etrog. The children learned that the lulav and etrog remind us of the parts of our bodies. As Jews, we are supposed to pray to God with our whole being. We shake the lulav and etrog in all directions to remind us that God is everywhere. Kitah Aleph students practiced shaking a toy lulav and etrog in their correct manner and with the blessing. The children also listened to two stories about the holiday, "The Sukkah on the Roof" and "Night Lights," Then they made decorations for the sukkah.

We had a visit from our Shinshin, Bar today. He played games with the children and showed them a video with some holiday songs.

Best wishes for a wonderful Sukkot. Joanne, Cheryl and Sydney

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