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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Grade 1 - Kitah Aleph News November 12, 2017

Today Kitah Aleph students learned about the mitzvah of hachnassat orchim, welcoming guests. The children acted out the story of Abraham and Sarah leaving their homeland and traveling to the land that God showed them. There Abraham and Sarah set up their tent which was open on all sides to encourage visitors. When three visitors appeared at their tent, Sarah and Abraham invited them in to sit in the shade and gave them food and water. Our Kitah Aleph tent looked a bit like an old sheet from Hamorah Joanne's linen closet but everyone enjoyed it nonetheless. Kitah Aleph students shared some of the things they do when visitors come to their homes including cleaning up, preparing food, sharing toys and giving the guests choices about which games and activities to play.

In Hebrew the children were introduced to two new letters, kaf and kuf which both make a sound like the English letter K. Kitah Aleph students are now familiar with the following Hebrew letters: shin, bet, lamed, mem, tav, kaf and kuf. They also know the two vowels that say "ah." The students are doing some awesome beginning Hebrew reading.

We had fun playing a game with colors in Hebrew and Hebrew Simon Says. We have been working on the Hebrew for hands, nose, mouth, knees, head and feet. The colors we have done in Hebrew include pink, blue, red, green, yellow, purple and orange.

Shavua Tov! Have a wonderful week, Joanne

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