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Monday, February 5, 2018

Gimel Goings On

Shalom Gimel Families!

Students have had a fun week in Hebrew School!

In Hebrew students are up to line 6 of Mi Kamocha and are doing a great job reading and chanting it.  We have also talked about what it all means.  After listening to Debbie Friedman's song, Miriam's Song students wrote journal entries about why the women may have brought their tambourines when they had to leave Egypt in a hurry.   Some students said that it is because they were free! They also analyzed how the women felt dancing with the timbrels after being freed from slavery.  Here is the link to the song:


Our stations this week were Hebrew Buddy Reading, Hebrew Reading Games and small group reading.

Students continue to enjoy their conversational Hebrew in morning meeting and our end of day closing circle.  This week, Tefillah was a definite favorite!

During the week students enjoyed a small Tu Bishvat snack (clementines and pretzels) and completed their Tu Bishvat research projects.  There were also Tu Bishvat activity choices - word search, crossword puzzle, acrostic poem and art.

We enjoyed our visit from Bar where we used the iPad app Kahoot to play a Tu Bishvat quiz game!  Great fun had by all!

Upcoming this week

  1.  Students will start learning and participating in Purim activities.
  2. Students will learn new lines from Mi Kamocha
  3. Pizmon Synaplex this Shabbat - hope to see you there!
  4. Students will receive their February calendars this week.
Hope everyone has a good week.



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