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Sunday, May 6, 2018

First Grade Happenings

First grade students had their last formal lesson with Bar today. Bar did a brief review of some of the information that he taught and the children made pictures for him. Bar shared that he will be doing some traveling in the USA this summer before returning to Israel to work and enter the army.

Today the children finished their aleph-bet books. They were very excited to be able to complete the workbooks and take them home. If your child was not in school this morning, please do stop by the classroom to pick up their books and other papers from their cubbies. The last two letters that we covered today were gimel and zayin. The children also learned the vowel shuruk that makes an "oo" sound. Toward the end of the morning we played an aleph-bet bingo game.

We began to learn a bit about the upcoming holiday of Shavuot. We talked about the roots of the holiday in an agricultural festival celebrating the harvesting of the first fruits. We spoke about the tradition of eating dairy foods. Everyone was excited about eating ice cream and cheese cake! The holiday also marks the time when the Jewish people received the ten commandments. When we meet again in two weeks on the holiday itself we will talk more in depth about the commandments and the whole school will re-enact the exodus from Egypt and the receiving of the ten commandments at Mt. Sinai.

Margie Matross stopped by for a few minutes to meet her future second graders this morning. It is hard to believe that there are only a couple more weeks of Sunday school.

Shavua Tov, Joanne

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