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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Grade 4 - Kitah Dalet Update 11.22

Hi Kitah Dalet Families,

This morning we continued our work on the First Blessing of the Amidah.  By over the next week, please make sure your child is fully caught up.  Everyone in the class should be able to read (or chant) 4 lines from Ashrei, the Friday Night Kiddush and the First Blessing of the Amidah.  

This week:
  • Check out the TI website (music section) for audio files of Cantor Ken singing all three of these prayers.
  • Encourage your child to make use of the Google Voice Number.  720-772-9371 (720-PRAYER-1)  Your child should say their name and read or chant what they are working on.  A few of your kids have used this and it's helped me help them, because I can listen through my computer (when they leave a message, I get an email with an audio file that I can play) and pin point exactly what their trouble spots are in then in class help them on exactly what they need help on.  TI's website.
  • If you don't read Hebrew and would like to follow along with your kid as they practice, I've uploaded the transliteration in some earlier posts.
I've noticed the kids who practice regularly at home, come in more confident and excited to share their learning and move forward.  

Also this morning, each student was given a copy of the brit/class contract we've been working on and talking about since September.   Everyone signed a copy and I signed everyone's copy.  They are now living in your students binders so we can reference them easily. 

After Thanksgiving we'll be starting the Second Blessing of the Amidah.  Please be in touch with any questions.  I look forward to hearing their voices through Google Voice.

Isabel, Gabe, Max, Zach and Asher - I'll see you on Tuesday!

Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Weekend!



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