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Monday, November 16, 2015

Grade 5 - Kitah Hey Update 11.15.15

So........ I hobbled into t.i. Sunday morning.......with my brace and my crutches, and waited in the foyer to greet my fabulous students.

Our class had been moved to downstairs in the chapel.  ( thank you Robin and Gretchen!)
As my students arrived, each came over to express concern, asking for details of my little mishap last Sunday......
Such thoughtfulness!
I received so many hugs!  (And some were big surprises!)
........from current students........and former students as well!
I felt so loved and appreciated!
Once again, I can officially proclaim, "I love 'my kids' "

After sharing one of my favorite breakfasts cereals, kix, we joined together for community tefillah.  This has become a happy and high spirited way to begin our Sunday mornings.
Each class is dismissed with song..........  I asked cantor ken to please NOT dismiss grade 5 to the melody of hora this time................
         ...............  Since last Sunday I tried to DO the hora while exiting.      Ummmmmm......perhaps that wasn't my brightest idea ever?

Back in class we discussed the torah portion, toldot.
Sibling rivalry, parents having a favorite child, conflicting personalities, leadership, deception......
Was Isaac truly blind?  What else could it mean that he did not "see" or understand his sons?
Hmmmmmmm...... Disfunctional family to say the least!  Would make an interesting court case!
Perhaps we'll do that in Tues/wed session. Thanks for the idea!   ðŸ˜¯

After break we jumped into Chanukah.
Everyone chose a side........
Are you a Jewish American ..........or an American Jew?
After some thought and moving back and forth, kids presented their position.
We discussed the pride we feel in America............and the pride we feel in israel, our holy land.
How do we show that pride?
Is there ever a conflict?
We concluded our day with singing star spangled banner and hatikvah!
This will all lead into Chanukah at our next class.

Hoping to be back upstairs for Tuesday's class!

Thank you for sharing your amazing kids with me!


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