Last Sunday, Kitah Vav created individual pages for a comic
book based on the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho; this Sunday, a
copy of the complete comic book was given to each student to take home. Once we
had looked through the book we made together, we spent the rest of class
focusing on the story of Deborah, the only female judge mentioned in the Hebrew
Bible. Before addressing the story’s plot, the students were introduced to the characters:
Deborah, the judge and prophet; Barak, the Israelite military commander; Jabin,
the King of Canaan; Sisera, the commander of the Canaanite army, and Yael, the
Kenite woman who unexpectedly secures the Israelites’ victory. Each student was
given a character to get to know individually; we spent time in our character’s
shoes and explored character traits and motivational factors before turning to
the plot. Students were encouraged to listen to the story through the ears of
the character they had spent time with beforehand, and to see how this affected
their reading of the story. We will continue to work with characterization and
motivation as we move forward through Prophets and Judges.
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