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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Grade 4 - Wednesday Holiday Learning

Hello Dalet Families!

Thank you so much for sharing your learners with me while HaMorah Margalit is in Israel.  I just wanted to give you some information about what we have been up to and what to look forward to this week.  

We have been focused on Shabbat, a weekly holiday!  Students had the opportunity to share what they do to make Shabbat special and it was great that we were able to share so many different ideas.  Through a team game, we were able to identify and discuss the different parts of Shabbat (Kabbalat Shabbat, Musaf, Havdalah etc.).  

Last Wednesday, we shared a favorite Shabbat Book called The Shabbat Princess. Students made great connections to their own Shabbat observances and reflected on the differences as well.  For example, in the story, the main character's family says Kiddush which many students had in common with the story.  A contrast was that their family polished the silver Kiddush cup and served dinner on their fanciest plates.

We practiced the Kiddush which students connected to their Hebrew lessons...FANTASTIC! After a discussion on Hiddur mitzvah which means to make a mitzvah more beautiful.  The idea here is that saying Kiddish is a mitzvah but saying Kiddush using something beautiful makes the mitzvah more meaningful.  To practice this, we decorated our own Kiddush cups with glass paints.  The paint takes a few weeks to dry completely so they are drying in the classroom until then.

This week we will explore Shabbat through the use of candles in our observances.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!


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